
Ovation Premium licence is required.
Note : Watchout requires at least 2 computers; 1 Production computer (Control) and 1 Display (Player).
Each Watchout computer requires a license. 

Watchout Production can be hosted on the same computer as Ovation.

For ease of use, please download the Watchout and Ovation demo project.

The RAVENNA Network cannot be used to link Watchout and Ovation computers, you have to use a separate network. 

1.Configuring Windows network 

Ensure that firewalls are turned off completely on both computers 

To communicate the commands between the 2 Ovation computers, some settings have to be applied on Windows network.
You may need Administrator rights to modify those settings.

2.Configuring WATCHOUT

Insert 1 Watchout licence dongle on the Ovation computer and 1x  licence dongle on the Watchout “Player" computer

On the Watchout Player computer

On the Watchout Production /Ovation computer


3.Configuring OVATION

Ovation Settings

This has now set all the TCP/IP settings so that we can send transport commands to the Watchout Player computer and also then receive Sync information back from it so you can chase your connected audio cues.

Ovation Show

For proper synchronization between Watchout and Ovation, you MUST use the Synchronization Token.
The Cue name indicated have to use the exact spelling, including CAPS and spaces

The Watchout Timelines are fired using IP Commands which are set in the cue properties just like any other control protocol (such as MIDI or GPO etc). if you click on one of the command cues and look at the cue properties, you will see that it is simple English that is used.
For a complete list of the commands available to send to the Watchout Player, please consult the Watchout Manual.