Your antivirus may block access to essential files for your audio application or the MERGING+NADAC driver, which prevents the application or the MERGING+NADAC driver to start and/or run properly.
The antivirus might be sometimes too cautious, and block or quarantine a file that is clean (false positive).
Nowadays antivirus have their databases updated very often, up to several times a day.
That means that even if MERGING+NADAC or your application was working fine yesterday that this issue may not arise.

By default, Windows is installed with its own antivirus, called Windows Defender.  
Most part of the antivirus available today allows to create exclusions, so specific folders or files are not scanned by the antivirus. 

You should exclude programs only if you are confident that they are not infected. 
Merging products, including MERGING+NADAC and Emotion, do not contain virus. 

See below for the Windows embedded antivirus, Defender, or click here for third party antivirus (Norton, McAfee, Avast, Kaspersky,....)



  1. Press Windows Start icon, and in the Windows Search field, search for Defender

  2. Click on  Windows Defender

  3. On Windows 7, click on Tools button at the top of the window, then Options.
    On Windows 8 and 10, click on Settings
  4. On Windows 7,select Excluded Files and folders, then click on Add.
    On Windows 8 and 10, click on Add an exclusion, then on the + icon to exclude a file or a folder.
  5. Select the following folders and files :
    (You may only select 1 folder or file at a time, please repeat the same procedure for each folder and file.)

Folders :

C:/Program Files/Merging Technologies
C:/Program Files (x86)/Merging Technologies



Folders :

C:/Program Files/Common Files/Merging Technologies



The methods to exclude folders and files can be found on the manufacturer website.
Here are some examples with common manufacturers : 

Symantec Norton

Depending of your third party antivirus manufacturer and version, those example may not be applicable.
Always refer to the software version to get the right instructions to exclude folders and files. 



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