5. SG350 - Import Switch Configuration file
5. SG350 - Import Switch Configuration file
If you try to import a configuration file into the Running Configuration (the current one), it will fail.)
What you need to do is import from a configuration file to the startup configuration file as a destination and then reboot.
- Go into Administration then click File Management to expand, then click File Operations to open its pane.
- Now select
Operation Type : Update File
Destination File Type : Startup Configuration
Copy Method : HTTP/HTTPS - Then click Choose File and a new window will pop up.
In the Choose File window point to the downloaded configuration file location, select it and click Open. - Then click Apply for it to load your configuration file into the STARTUP CONFIG.
- The switch will send a notification that the operation has been completed.
- You must now restart the switch for the changes to apply.
Click Administration > Reboot
Select Immediate and click on Reboot button.
Note that the device might take some time to reboot.