V11 Known Issues

V11 Known Issues

Pyramix v11 projects backwards compatibility with previous Pyramix releases.

Pyramix V11 projects are compatible with V10.1, but not with previous versions.
In order to open such projects in the previous release, please make sure that you perform the proper Save Special. A Save Special “Save as Version xx” was added to the list.

v11.x Libraries format are not compatible with older Pyramix release as v7.1.  

Save as v7.1 is available in the Library menu.

Pyramix v11.0 has a warning message of “Not Enough Streams available”.

This happens when reaching the maximum record inputs available. In such case we recommend that you reduce your inputs number count or disable the Background Recorder that are consuming inputs.
If you afterwards get a constant Message Box “Re-activating Project” at each Playback start, close and re-open your project to avoid this. 
Be aware that under the VS3 Control Panel if you have enable the Secondary Device/ASIO bridge or Rewire active, you will consume Streams, disable this option if not in use.

Pyramix Multi channel PreAmps support

Multichannel MCS strips do not support the PreAmps control but VCA strips does.
Make sure that you install the latest Horus Firmware for proper communication.

VST Plugins not seen under Pyramix v11

By default the “\Program Files\VstPlugins” directory will be scanned.
User can select their VST plugins directory by going under the Pyramix Settings>Mixer>VST Plug-ins Settings and adding the directory where the installed VST plug-ins are.
The initialization of third parties VST plugins takes place at the Pyramix Launch and can take a long period of time (Close to 4 minutes for a Waves plugins bundle scan) on the first scan. 
Be patient if you see that your Splash screen remains in display.
If a crash occurs during the scanning the VST scan will be automatically relaunched, up to 3 times in a row, if a fourth crash occurs the user will be ask if he wants to relaunch the VST scan.
The faulty plugins dll will be displayed in red.
Force Rescan (From Pyramix Settings>Application>Mixer>VST Plugins) will retry to register the VST blacklisted plugins.
Pyramix v10 – 64bit does support natively 64bit VST plug-ins.
A workaround for VST 32bit plugins users under a 64bit OS is possible by simply installing the jBridge third party application, without running jBridge (no need to create 64bit proxy VST dlls).
32 bit Waves plugins not supported by Merging when using jBridge under a 64bit OS. Please use Waves 64bit plugins in such case.
Merging is not responsible for any eventual instabilities and side effects caused by the use of jBridge. 

Mixer Automation Bus Aux Send

We advise that users do not automate the ON/OFF of Buses Aux Send and instead simply automate the Gain of the Aux. As this could cause Delay Compensation issue.

V11 project containing new Buses layout/Structure cannot be saved within a Save Special v9.0 project.

Pyramix v11 project containing the new Buses layout/Structure cannot be saved within a Save Special v9.0 project as warning message will prevent you from doing so.

Mono Legacy Bus conversion

Legacy Bus conversions. Due to the architecture of the new busses, mono mix busses are now converted into Mono Aux busses and not anymore to Mono Mix busses as Mix busses have no gain control.


Controller EMC - Legacy and new Aux bus / Subgroups

When using an OASIS-EMC controller (HUI fro example), you can use a mixer that contains both legacy and V10 Aux and subgroups, but you will not be able to control both the legacy and the V10 Aux and Subgroups from the controller, the controller is only able to handle one bus type at a time; therefore merging recommends you convert your legacy Aux and Subgroups to V10 busses.

PMF in Mixdown

PMF File format was removed from the Mixdown formats as of Pyramix v11 due to compliance issues. As of Pyramix v11 our recommendations are:

  • For Recording: PMF remains recommended
  • For Mixdown: MTFF is recommended
  • For Album Publishing: Formats of your choice through Digital Release for better signal flow
  • For Render: We recommend rendering in the original format or to PMF or MTFF. The  DSDIFF is not recommended.

Album Publishing

As of v11 a log file is created in the main output folder selected by the user.
The user will be notified if an error occurred during the publishing process and he will be able to see where the error could be coming from by looking in the log file. Issues such as if output media file pathnames length exceed 260 characters could be warned in the Log File.

Media Manager / Libraries

As of Pyramix v11 some of the Media Manager and Libraries managements behavior have changed, please refer to the User Manual or Release Notes for all details.
Columns settings are reset to default when forcing a refresh folder.

FX Rendering

Supports VST2 and VS3 plugins, no VST3 support
Small timeout at the first plugin insert.
If you do not see the VB Plugins under the FX Rendering please close Pyramix and go to C:\ProgramData\Merging Technologies\Plugins from there remove the available plugins file and relaunch Pyramix
If when having a clip selected you do not have the Preview/Render button enabled please re-do your selection.
Once saving a preset you will not be able to re-save the preset unless making a modification.

Note: The VS3 plugins: Modulometer, DeNoiser and DeScratcher are not supported in the FX Rendering.

Pyramix Video

Video Wrap dialog hidden at times, user must use the ATL key to bring it top most.
Pyramix video consolidate is not supported
Pyramix video might not following when using the nudge (<>) option
With Blackmagic Design cards a reverse playback may introduce an offset delay.
With Blackmagic Design cards the delay might not be correct when chasing without stopping first.

Windows 10 Specific

The Windows 10 Start menu items ordering is now arranged in alphabetical order, some external application can be used so that the layout is similar to Windows 7.
If an installer (Pyramix/Ovation) does not completely install its components please try launching the installer again as probably some requirements were already installed in the first place.

Templates and Mixer presets location changes

As of Pyramix 11 the application itself is no longer launched as Administrator but rather with standard user rights due to Windows 10 restriction changes. This means that some items like the Templates have been move to other folders in which users can save them. C:\ProgramData\Merging Technologies\Pyramix\Templates
Due to similar restrictions the users wanting to save Global Mixer presets will need to launch Pyramix as Administrator in order to perform that task.
Be warn that in such case you will lose some functionalities such as drag&drop.

AAF Import settings not saved on Windows 10

The AAF import settings are not saved on Windows 10 due to windows rights issue.
Please close Pyramix and start it in Admin mode (right click on Pyramix > Run as Administrator)
Warning : when Pyramix is started in Administrator mode, drag and drop from Windows Explorer to Pyramix is disabled.