Creating an Ultra-Low Latency Cue

Creating an Ultra-Low Latency Cue

In this example we will setup a Cue for the performer foldback on Headphones 1 Monitor set.

Note: Cues can monitor a different set of Sources than a Speaker Set or Headphone set, it can be used in order that a chosen Monitor set listens to a different sum of Sources.

Creating the low latency cue

  1. First enter the Settings>Monitor page and create a new Monitor Set and enter this one, you could also use an existing Monitor Set and change its mode to Cue.

  2. Under Monitor Mode, select Cue.

  3. Assign this Cue to the button of your choice. Here we will assign the Cue to the VirtualKey 1.

  4. Make sure that the cue is properly patch under the Monitor set.
    Here we are patching the Cue to the Headphones 1 (left and Right Channels)
    Warning: Patching already patched channels will disconnect those from the Monitor set where they are used, as a designated output can only be Patched once within all Monitor Sets. This rule does not apply to Sources and Inputs.

  5. Return to the Source Page where you will now find a Q1 (Cue) Monitor available on the VirtualKey 1.

  6. By selecting the Q1 monitor set, the operator can then select a Source or sum multiple Sources, those will be exclusively monitored on this Cue (Q) Monitor set.
    Cues are recommended when needing to monitor a different selection of sources for a designated Monitor, as they difference themselves from Speaker sets.
    Cues could also be used when recording in to produce a low-latency Cue mix for the performer foldback.

    Note: In order to configure the Built-in Talkback for the performer's headphones, refer to the Talkback use case.
    You are ready to start recording with Anubis and have a Musician using an Ultra-Low Latency Cue (Q) Monitor set.