Authoring - MD5 checksum

Authoring - MD5 checksum

MD5 Checksum files are sometimes required when transferring files over the internet, to ensure data integrity.
More information on : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5


MD5 for DDP Folders

When generating a DDP in Disc Write, a MD5 file is created by default.
The checksum type can be accessed in DDP Folder Settings.


MD5 for other files

MD5 files can be generated for any kind of file (PMI, WAV, PMF, ....)
Download and install MD5Summer http://www.md5summer.org/download.html

First select the Root folder for the files that requires a MD5 Checksum, then click on Create Sums.
Select the required file(s), click on Add then OK.
Now you can save the .md5 file.
(When starting MD5Summer, don't worry if you get a "MD5Summer failed to set file assocations....."; click on OK)