DiscWrite Error 2355 - Cannot open CD-R Interface

DiscWrite Error 2355 - Cannot open CD-R Interface

When opening DiscWrite, you get an error message : Cannot open CD-R Interface. Selected interface type not supported (error 2355)
Then when clicking OK, your optical drive is not available in the Target drop down menu.


  • First make sure your Optical drive is listed in Windows Device Manager, in DVD/CD-ROM drives category.
    If your drive is not listed, make sure it is correctly connected to your computer.
  • If your drive is listed, but shows a ! or ? sign, please follow the procedure described in that page.
  • If your drive is listed without ! or ? sign, download the latest drivers form Gear website by clicking here.
    Close DiscWrite and Pyramix.
    Install the downloaded driver and restart your computer.
    Your drive should then be available in DiscWrite.
  • If still not working,please go in Windows registry (c:/Windows/regedit.exe)

    Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class
    Select the folder 4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 (on the right Pane, "Class" should be "CDROM")
    Right click on the folder and select Export, then send the exported .reg file to support@merging.com
    Please send it with WeTransfer, Google drive, DropBox,... otherwise it will be probably filtered through the internet.