Pyramix Atmos Setup & Troubleshooting

Pyramix Atmos Setup & Troubleshooting

This section is meant to provide some additional and important information about setting up Pyramix which aren't available in the manual at the time of writing this section.

(This doesn't replace Pyramix User Manual. Please make sure you go through the relevant chapters of the user manual before attempting to setup Pyramix for a Dolby Atmos workflow.)

Channel outputs mapping from Pyramix to the renderer.

As soon as a metadata connection between Pyramix and a Dolby Atmos renderer is established (using the Atmos Connect window), Pyramix will assume that the renderer is connected from Pyramix output channel 1 onwards.

Audio going to the renderer must therefore be sent from Pyramix channel 1 onward. This ensures the audio and metadata of a particular object are sent to the render on the correct channel of the renderer.

Failing to do so will mean objects metadata will not match their corresponding audio.

As an example, the picture below shows a renderer connected to Pyramix outputs starting from channel 1 as is required.

Note: Cross patching using Aneman and/or MAD (Merging Audio Device) doesn't take metadata along with the audio so this is not a solution.