MUSIC Mission FAQ.

MUSIC Mission FAQ.

Can you change between the Music Mission and the Monitor Mission?

Only one mission can run at a time, user can go from one mission to the other at any given time.  While all mission parameters will be kept, the RAVENNA/AES67 streams will need to be reconnected or Re-UNITE.

Is the Music Mission a paid option?

The Music Mission is free of change and is included in the firmware 1.2.2 and above. Any Anubis owner can run the Music Mission and the Monitor Mission.

Where is the Mute button?

The Mute button will not appear directly on the Anubis Music Mission Mixer but can be accessed in two different ways.
1- Single tap the Strip channel will open the Horizontal Fader in which a Mute button will be available.
2- The channel Mute can at any given time be accessed from the channel menu located at the bottom of the channel by tapping on it.
Once enabling the Mute, it will replace the Solo button on the main Mixer view, and can be un-muted at any given time.

I only see 1 Send, 1 Cue and limited menu options. How can I view all 5 x Cues, 3 x Sends and more features ?

Ex-Factory the Music Mission is launched in default mode with simplified view and limited features.
To access all of the Music Mission feature set enable the Expert Mode from the Anubis Settings under Music.

Can I use the Anubis Music Mission to mix all of my DAW input channels ?

The AES67 Stream feature available under the Settings>Audio Inputs allows the users to create a stream up to 48 input strip channels, those can thus be connected to the Direct Outputs of the DAW channels Mixer and will appear in the Anubis Mixer for Mixing in the Anubis itself.

Does the Music Mission supports DSD ?

The Music Mission mixer does not support DSD, but allows users to record the direct PreAmps in DSD, monitoring such outside the ANUBIS.
For proper DSD Monitoring it is recommended to run the Monitor Mission.

Is it possible to record back the processed Strip Channels ?

With the Anubis Music Mission the recordings of the Anubis inputs channels into your DAW or application by default are non-destructive (no Anubis effect will be applied). The feasibility to record Post- FX signal (Post-Effect) is avialable. This one includes the EQ and Dynamics plugins. Record the Physical Input Direct signal (Pre-Effects) and the Post-FX single independently or simultaneously. Support for Unite Post-FX is requiring the VAD 3.2.1 and higher or MAD 2.2.0 and higher version along with an Anubis Firmware 1.4.2 and above.

In the UNITE dialog Post-FX Inputs should be checked

Users can connect the Post -FX channels via ANEMAN.

The Reverb, the Parallel Dynamics and Sends are not in the Strip signal Effect path. In order to record those, it is recommended to record the Bus returns.

To record Bus Returns (Reverd, Parallel Dynamics and other applied Effects) the Cues can be used. Procedure below.

  • Enable Expert Mode (Settings>Music)
  • In the Setting>Mixer under CUE-4 and CUE-5  unlink the Pan's for those two cues.
  • Exit your Settings
  • Enter CUE-4 and Pan Anubis Input 1 hard left and Anubis Input 2 hard right left
  • Enter CUE-5 and Pan Anubis Input 3 hard left and Anubis Input 4 hard right left
    Note: It is preferred to leave all levels to 0dB nominal.
  • In the MAD or VAD panel Re-UNITE your Anubis and make sure the "Bus Returns" is checked

  • Record in your DAW the CUE-4 (Anubis inputs 1-2) and CUE-5 (Anubis inputs 3-4)
    Those will be recorded Post FX.

Does the Music Mission support the Split Channel feature ?

No, at the preset this feature is only in the Monitor Mission.

How many EQ and Dynamics can I use with the Music Mission ?

56 x EQ of 4 bands each are available (as of Firmware 1.4.6 and above)
64 x Dynamics are available within a single Anubis running the Music Mission
4 to 20 Merging+Deesser depending of EQ and Dynamics resources available 
1 x Merging+Reverb
1 x Eventide Blackhole

Can we EQ only the Dynamics and Reverb FX signal ?

You can apply EQ on the Dynamics or Reverb. From the Mixer Menu enter the Parallel Dynamics or Reverb to apply EQ on those.

If we enter the Reverb with a Mono channel is the output stereo?

Yes the Reverb Spatialization will be in stereo.

Why are the Dynamics SideChain and AutoGain disabled ?

Merging is currently completing those implementations, stay tuned for a future update.

The Webaccess controls do not show the Effects ?

Merging is currently completing the remote Effects implementations, stay tuned for a future update.

Can we peer a Device Module from a second Anubis ?

You can peer a Device Module from another Anubis as long as the Module it self is not already peered by the first Anubis, this will require as well that you are woking at the same sampling rate all across.

Example: If Anubis A peers the the Hapi AD1 (Slot 1) the Anubis B will not be able to peer the AD1 (Slot 1) but rather the AD2 (Slot 2) or any unpeered module

Can a Hapi or Horus module be available for 2 different Anubis to monitor, output and mix in low latency?

As of firmware v1.2.2 build 47903 and above two Anubis can peer the same input module. Meaning that the AD1 of the Hapi could be peered by the Anubis-A and the Anubis-B at the same time.

But its important to know that an output module cannot be peered by two different Anubis. So the Anubis- A cannot peer the Hapi Headphones while the Anubis -B also peers the same Hapi Headphones, in this case the last one peering the output module will take over this one.

Music Mission Schematic

Click to enlarge

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