General Bus Ramses and Tango support

General Bus Ramses and Tango support


  • The v10 New General Buses are not supported
  • Project created with in a previous release (e.g. v8-v9) can be open in v10 and will be supported with Ramses
  • There will be a warning error If a v10 Project with New General Buses is opened


  • Merging recommend users to update to ConsoleSoft v3.3.0.18_2015.05.20 available at http://www.merging.com/downloads
  • Supports New General Bus structure (Pyramix v10 comes with new BUSES, refer to Release notes)
  • Metering & Monitoring is limited to a maximum of 6 channels (5.1 surround)
  • This means that the Tango I or II will not display the Surround Panner by example in 7.1 Channel Mapping view, you can still move the Panner Ball of a 7.1 channel mapping from the Tango but the Surround Panner will be displayed in a 5.1 Channel Mapping view.
  • V10 project containing simultaneously the New v10 and Legacy Master (v9<) Buses are not supported. Due to a limitation in your control surface. A warning will be posted in Pyramix is you have such an incompatibility, if so the OASIS Transport will be DISABLED in your Pyramix Settings.
    You can open a Pyramix v9.1 project in Pyramix V10 and work with your Tango II but you cannot use the V9.1 Buses with the v10 New General Buses simultaneously.
    So you have 2 options:
    1)       Work with only Legacy v9 and below Buses (Do not add New v10 General Buses)
    2)       Work only with New v10 General Buses (recommended).
    Please follow the steps below to successfully use your pre-v10 projects with Your OASIS TANGO controller by converting the Legacy Buses to the New v10 General Buses
    1) Once your project is open, convert your legacy Master Buses to new ones (Right-Click>Bus>Convert ...)
    2) Save As... And give your project an amended name
    3) Close the project and go into Settings>Controllers and Re-enable the Oasis Controller
    4) Open the new project with the converted buses.