Configure EMOTION with MERGING+NADAC on Windows

Configure EMOTION with MERGING+NADAC on Windows

Merging Audio Device driver users :
Merging recommends you set your Main Media Player as Master ASIO Host in the Merging Audio Device panel, to avoid untimely sampling rate changes from other players.

If you want to run at a fixed sampling rate, then please set Merging Audio Device as your Master ASIO Host.  In such case you may need to configure your Media Player to convert to the set sampling rate.
When your MERGING+ device is in DSD sampling rate, the driver mixing features are disabled, and the WDM audio is not available.


The MERGING+NADAC ASIO driver (Windows 7 or 10) OR Merging Audio Device driver (Windows 10) is installed and configured.
To install a program, you need to have Administrator rights on the computer.
Depending on your Windows Edition, you may need to enter your password to install Emotion.

If you already have an Emotion version installed you must remove it prior to installing this new version.

You can install Emotion on one of the following supported OS;  Windows 7 - 64bit,and Windows 10 - 64 bits 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Emotion has not yet been officially released and is only available on demand nadac@merging.com 

    Simply follow the displayed instructions :

    Once you've downloaded Emotion run the installer
    Click on Next
    Select "I accept the terms in the license agreement", then click on Next.
    Click on Install to launch the installation.
    Click on Finish once the installer tells you that Emotion has been successfully installed.

  2. Restart your computer when the installation is finished, as requested.

  3. Start the NADAC ASIO or Merging Audio Device Panel , to ensure that your MERGING+NADAC is present.
    Windows Start Menu - All Programs > Merging Technologies > Merging Ravenna ASIO Driver > NADAC Panel
  4. Double click on the Emotion icon on your desktop 
    Emotion will be opened in your favorite web browser

  5. Enjoy !


Merging recommends Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Apple Safari.
Emotion is not compatible with MacOS.
Emotion is only compatible with the MERGING+NADAC device 

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