Convert Cutting Master to Sony SACD UCMF file
Convert Cutting Master to Sony SACD UCMF file
- Generate the SACD files with Pyramix Cutting Master Wizard, as usual.
- Download the Sony Cutting Master Converter and extract the zip file.
- Start CuttingMasterConverter.exe
- For Medium 1 (source file), select File (Sony CM)
- Click on the Select button below Directory field and browse to your SACD CM files directory\Image\DISC_1
(must be the directory that contains DVDID.DAT and DVDIMAGE.DAT)
- Click on Get CM Info to get information about the CM
The Field "Control Data" and File size of DVDImage.dat errors can both be ignored
- For Medium 2 (destination file), select File (SA-CD UCMF)
- Click on the Select button below Directory field and browse to your Destination folder
- Click on Execute next to Convert & Compare
The log file can be accessed in the CMConv_ver1120 folder, cmconv_log.xml