Convert Cutting Master to Sony SACD UCMF file

Convert Cutting Master to Sony SACD UCMF file


  1. Generate the SACD files with Pyramix Cutting Master Wizard, as usual.
  2. Download the Sony Cutting Master Converter and extract the zip file.
  3. Start CuttingMasterConverter.exe
  4. For Medium 1 (source file), select File (Sony CM)
  5. Click on the Select button below Directory field and browse to your SACD CM files directory\Image\DISC_1
    (must be the directory that contains DVDID.DAT and DVDIMAGE.DAT)
  6. Click on Get CM Info to get information about the CM 
    The Field "Control Data" and File size of DVDImage.dat errors can both be ignored
  7. For Medium 2 (destination file), select File (SA-CD UCMF) 
  8. Click on the Select button below Directory field and browse to your Destination folder
  9. Click on Execute next to Convert & Compare

The log file can be accessed in the CMConv_ver1120 folder, cmconv_log.xml