This article is to help users that have installation or discovery issues with ANEMAN
To uninstall ANEMAN more thoroughly in the event of a problem, please follow the procedure below:
Windows OS
Uninstall ANEMAN via the Windows Control Panel - Programs & Features
Delete the following Folder : C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Merging Technologies\aneman
Delete the following Folder : C:\ProgramData\Merging Technologies\Aneman
Note: if you don’t see those folders, make sure the Windows Control Panel > File Explorer Options > View tab : Hidden files and folders is set it to Show hidden files, folders or drives
If you are experiencing a discovery problem, please check that your version of Bonjour is
Browse to C:\Program Files\Bonjour, right click on mDNSResponder to access the properties.
The version can be verified in the Details tab.
If the version you have is different, please uninstall Bonjour via the Windows Control Panel - Programs & Features.
To reinstall Bonjour, please reinstall ANEMAN, Bonjour is included in the installer.
Mac OS
Uninstall all Merging softwares with the "uninstall_all" tool in application > Merging Technologies
Make sure that under Applications ANEMAN is no longer present, if it is move it to the Bin
In addition to the application bundle itself, you can delete the following folders/files to completely remove ANEMAN in macOS:
~/Library/Application Support/Merging Technologies/aneman/
Then make sure you empty/trash your Bin
Re-install ANEMAN
Find some ANEMAN guidelines here
ANEMAN - Quick Connection Guide