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Certified in Pyramix v11.1


VST and VST3 plugins supported in Pyramix v11.1 and higher (applies as well to Ovation v7.1 and higher)
 Plugin Manufacturer/Brand


VST3SupportedDXD (352.8kHz) SupportComments
112dB (Redline Monitor)YESNOYESYESCrossfeed Plugin for Headphone mixing. Confirmed no upsampling/downsampling in DXD
Acon DigitalYESNOYESYESRestauration, reverbs and chorus. Confirmed no upsampling/downsampling in DXD
Acustica Audio / AcquaYESNOYESNODXD not certified by manufacturer and potentially vertor issue above 192kHz
Auburn SoundYESNOYESYES*Freeware: Corrector Graillon
Audio DamageYESYESYESYES*Freeware: Fuzzplus, Rought Rider
Audio EaseYESNOYES-ButYESIssue with Altiverb and the VST3 360 pan suite (not supported),changing presets can cause glitches
AutoTune 9NOYESYES-ButNOLatest version only support VST3, recommended up to 2FS
B<>COMYESYESYESNO VST (VST2) causing Pyramix crash was fixed in the latest b<>com version. Remote desktop not supported. DXD support in next Pyramix version
Celemony MelodyneYES-ButYESYES-ButNO 

v4.2.0.020 - Issues (medias generated cannot be mounted back, use the printing procedure) DXD only supported in standalone using with Replace Audio option / VST (VST2) dll not seen.

Latest certified. Can be used in the FX Rendering in order to commit the melodyne changes to a track. Workflow certified with Melodyne v4.9.5

CytomicYESNOYESYESThe Glue mastering plugin
EventideYESYESYESYES-but*Newfangled Audio - Potential crash with plugin re-ordering in Mixer. Confirmed no upsampling/downsampling in DXD
Exponential AudioYESYESYESYESChannel mapping issue in FX Rendering
FabFilterYESYES-ButYESYESVST 3 Version can crash Pyramix randomly, rather use their VST (VST2) version. As well Potential Issue at the first plugin insert (licensing/disabled) second insert works. Under investigation
Facebook 360NOYESNO NO Potential Crash of Pyramix
Fine Cut Bodies YESYESYESYESFreeware La Petite Excite (Exciter)
Flux VSTYES-YESYESIRCAM consumes lots of resources at High Sampling Rates (e.g. 4FS, 352.8kHz/DXD), especially High Density mode.
Alchemist Delay compensation issue under investigation
Currently no VST3 version available
Forward AudioYESYESYES-ButTBCWarning: Plugin such as the faSampleDelay can conflict with MassCore and are not recommended
GRM PluginsYESNOYES-ButTBCGRM Spaces causing crash, GRM Space Grain has routing issue (no signal treatment)
Harpex-XYESNONOTBCLatest version recommended for bypass and channel routing fixed issues
 IK MultimediaYES

TBCInvestigating T-RackS potential crash.
Interlligent Sound and MusicYESYESNOTBCAroma plugin supported but causing potential Mixer UI flickering each time the Plugin UI is closed
Izotope BundleYESYESYESYES/NoNot all plugins support DXD, Also VST3 instabilities and potential crashes with Pyramix v11.1.5 HotFix. Solved in the Following release. In the meantime we recommend the use of the VST (VST2) version.
Izotope Ozone YESYESYESYES(confirmed DXD support). Warning leaving the Ozone v8 UI open could cause project to crash at mixdown, when re-opening a proejct (if saved open) or when loading a Mixer Memory preset..
Izotope Nectar YESYESYESYES(confirmed DXD support)
Izotope Neutron YESYESYESYES(confirmed DXD support)
Izotope NeutrinoYESYESYESNOMuted in DXD
Izotope RXYESYESYES-ButTBCIssue with VST (VST2) channel routing (only mono available). Under investigation. RX7 Connect known to crash when using simultaneously the Pyramix Render>Pencil tool or the Import functions. Issue PMX120- 
KlanghelmYESYESYESYESSome Freeware (VGI-Saturation/DIstortion & DC1A-Compressor. Confirmed no upsampling/downsampling in DXD
KrotosYESNOYES-ButTBCPlugins not working in FX Rendering (muted)
LePou pluginsYESNOYESYES*Guitar amps modelisation
Lexicon / HarmanYESNOYESYES*v1.3.7
Line 6YESYESYES-butTBCSome users had issue with the Pod Farm VST scanning (unders investigation), Helix known to be working fine.
maat digitalYESYESYES-butNOCode meter wibu dongle conflicts with MassCore and is not recommended. Potentially the new version may fix this conflict.
mh acousticYESYESYESNONo GUI (Merging provides generic controls)
Mastering the MixYESYESYESNO
New audio technologyYESYES
TBCSpatial Audio plugin suite: 
Noise MakersYESNOYESNOAmbisonic suite.
Nugen AudioYESYESNOYES*Use version 3.0 > to prevent a fixed crash. Confirmed no upsampling/downsampling in DXD, Routing issue with the UpMix is fxed in their latest versions
Oblivion Sound LabYESNONONOPotential Crash (Chorus)
Plugin AllianceYESYESYES-but*NOLatest v4.7 is now supported by Pyramix (perform a force rescan) but some Plugins from their 3rd party partners are still not supported and can crash or not be scanned (Schoeps, Fiedler, ADPTR and Unfiltered series). The Plugin Alliance team is following this issue with their own partners.
PSP AudiowareYESYESYESYES-but*Potential issue with PSP Vintage Warmer not always opening correctly or crashing randomly.
Sennheiser AMBEOYESYESYESYES*For Ambisonic
Slate Plugins (Eiosis)YESYESYESNOTheir VBC rack plugin can cause hang of Pyramix at first insert.

Softube plug-ins supported sample rates: 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 and 192 kHz. As for DXD & 384 kHz they wre officially not supported by manufacturer and could potentially crash.
*Some plugins such as TubeTech Classic Channel, Valley People Dynamite, Transient Shaper will not pass any audio in Pyramix when they are engaged. Workaround use the VST versions.

Sonible pluginsYESYESYESYES*
Sonic AnomalyYESNOYESYES-but*Plugins can generate clicks in DXD parameters automation.
SonnoxYESYESYES-butNOCrash with ebuzzer - Declicker - Denoiser (v2.01)  and Sonnox Dynamics can crash in DXD insert - Being investigated by the Sonnox team
SonorisYESNOYESTBCRecommended latest version ( >) to avoid crash in settings chages
SoundfieldYESNOTBCTBCSurround and Ambisonc plugins
SSA pluginsYESNOYESTBCAmbisonic suite.
Stone VoicesYESNOYESYES*Freeware: Ambient Reverb
Syncro ArtsNOYESYES-butNOPotential crash at Pyramix insert
TC ElectronicsYESYESYESNOVSS3 Reverb, automation on presets not showing the preset changes (TC Electronics issue, it was reported to them)
Tokyo Dawn LabsYESNOYESYES*TDR Kotelnikov dynamics compressor and EQ (free)
Tritik YESYESYESYESPyramix stability enhancements in the latest version. Confirmed no upsampling/downsampling in DXD
TSE Audio - TSE-808 YESNONONOPotential crash with parameter changes
UAD1YESNONONONo longer supported discontinued
UAD2YESNOYESNOSupported for real Time Mixdown and playback, but not faster than real-time (UAD not supporting latency changes in non real time mixdown)
u-heYESNOYESYESFreeeware: Protoverb 
VoxengoYESYESYESYES-but*Warning: Reverb in DXD could be stuttering
ValhallaYESYESYESYES-but*Confirmed no upsampling/downsampling in DXD but the delay buffers might not allocate enough memory at times causing glitches
WavesYESYESYES-butNOVST3 - Wave 10 slow loading, fixed in upcoming Pyramix v11.1.6 HotFix and v12.0.
Recommended Nvidia graphics parameters (see Merging’s knowledge database). Some Waves crash in DXD
Youlean YES YES YES YES* Loundess Meter
