Merging Technologies ZMAN-based devices, Anubis, Hapi MKII, ZOEM, MT48.
Previous devices, Horus and Hapi cannot run in Dante Mode.
How to access the Advanced pages
- With the device IP address (Anubis / Hapi MKII / MT48)
In your browser, enter the device IP address followed by /advanced/index.html
E.g: - Through MT Discovery :
Right click on your Merging Dante ZMAN device and select Open Advanced.
Device Name
- This is the unique zeroconf device name. Other devices see this device name.
Reboot is not required for the change to apply. Equivalent to device Setup menu > Network > Device Name (Hapi) - Location : information text (64 characters max)
Audio Configuration
- Sample Rate : current sample rate (44100-48000- 88200-96000-176400-192000)
- Redundant mode : Activate / deactivate Redundant mode - only applicable to Merging devices supporting such feature.
A reboot is required for the change to apply.
Interface 1-2
Note : depending on the device, only Interface 1 might be available.
- Link : status
- Name : information only - can't be modified
- Type : defines the type of IP V4 address used (Zeroconf - DHCP - Static)
- Address - NetMask - Gateway - DNS : only available if Type is set to Static.
Reboot is required for changes to apply.
Allows to change the name of module's specific Inputs and / or Outputs. (when applicable)
Allows to connect physical I/O and Internal device router.
Build Number
Current firmware version
Configuration file
- Download / Upload : Save / Load device configuration (preset file).
- Shutdown : shutdown the device
- Reboot : restart the device
- Reboot to Factory : restore all settings to factory default, and restart the device
- Restart : Restart the application (Mission)
- Save : save the current configuration.
- Get Report : generates a debug report, and saves it on the local computer.
If the report is not saved automatically, make sure your web browser did not block the download. - Get Device Status : displays the device status (SysLog)
- Get Device Engine Status : displays the device engine - ZMAN-based devices only
Identify me : Provides visual feedback on the unit to allow the user to quickly identify a unit (currently only available for ZMAN-based products; Anubis, Hapi MKII).
When ticking the checkbox :
- Anubis and MT48 displays their Device Name on TFT and flashes Home button.
- HapiMkII flashes its front panel Merging logo.
External Links