When starting Horus ,Hapi or Anubis, it gets stuck on the "Loading config" step.
The actual configuration might be corrupted or not compatible with the firmware if you did a firmware upgrade.
The configuration needs to be reset to factory.
- Shutdown your Horus / Hapi by pressing and holding the triangle power button.
- Press the power button while also pressing and holding the small triangle button to start in Maintenance Mode.
- Once the maintenance mode is ready, please update your device through your web browser with this special firmware :
For Horus
For Hapi
Note : the update with this special firmware will only take a few seconds. - Once done, reboot your device.
- Shutdown your Hapi by pressing and holding the triangle power button.
- Press and hold the rotary controller on the front panel button, and press on the triangle button to start the unit in Maintenance Mode.
- Once the maintenance mode is ready, please update your device through your web browser with this special firmware :
For Hapi MKII
Note : the update with this special firmware will only take a few seconds. - Once done, reboot your device.
Anubis factory Reset update:
If you still can't start your Horus/Hapi, please contact