Low Memory Condition Warning

Low Memory Condition Warning

Low Memory Condition Warning

Merging recommends that users with such memory issue migrate to Pyramix v9 / v10 for 64bit operating system; it provides a very solid platform to accommodate the ever growing project size requirements of some of users. 

A informs users when the system is reaching Low Memory Conditions.

In order to save a project under such conditions Pyramix will switch to Save to Disk mode as not enough memory might be available otherwise. This warning was added in order to prevent a Runtime Error on Save.

The Save time in Save to Disk mode in Low Memory Condition might take a longer time since the memory is being dumped to disk in order to allow the users to save their projects.

We recommend afterwards to exit and restart Pyramix in order to free all memory.

This Low Memory warning threshold can be adjusted by the user if one wishes it to come earlier or later. With every systems and workflows being different, Merging leave you the ability to adjust when the Warning will show up.


  • Close Pyramix
  • Type regedt32 in the run command
  • In the registry go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Merging Technologies\Pyramix\Settings\Save to disk threshold (this key will only appear if at least one save was made using that version)
  • Default value in Decimal mode has been set to 15 (this value can be lowered to 5 in Pyramix v7.1 or v8.0)
  • The higher the value is set, the earlier the Low Memory warning will come
  • The lower the value is set, the riskier it is for you to encounter a Runtime Error at save (previous Pyramix versions value would have had this value set to 0) 

For the long term, the move of our applications to a 64 bit operating system will provide a very solid platform to accommodate the ever growing project size requirements of some of our users.