Pyramix v15 - Known Issues.

Pyramix v15 - Known Issues.

  • Windows 7 is no longer supported.
  • Pyramix 15 runs on the new Pyramix 15 keys (as of the Release Candidate)
  • Pyramix 15 runs on a new MassCore version - RTX64 v4.5.1.7199.
  • Pyramix 15.0 introduces a new RTX implementation (NAL). 

    The MassCore Network card is no longer used directly but through a RTX Virtual Adapter.  
    The card is no longer displayed in the Device Manager as a “Merging Technologies PCIe 82574L Ethernet Controller”, but is converted to "Intel 82574L Gigabit Ethernet Controller (RTX64)" and "Merging Technologies Primary Ethernet Controller".  
    When a MassCore Network card is detected, the MassCoreNIC Service will convert it automatically to the new scheme This operation can take a bit of time, so the 1st time the system sees a card that needs conversion, it can take 1-2 mins until it’s usable. 
  • For installation information refer to the Pyramix 15 installation guide.    
  • WARNING: Pyramix 15 is supported on 4th Generation Intel Core Processors (4XXXK and higher) and will not launch on previous Processors generation
    Recommended specification: 
  • Custom installation is known to potentially have issues at installation. We recommend that you install the recommended full Pyramix.
  • Waves Plugins v15.0.0 if present in a project can prevent the users to opening back such Pyramix project due to a hang.
    The Waves team have identified the issue and will shortly provide an update, at the moment we recommend users to remain on Waves 14.x versions.
  • The VB Plugins (VS3) are legacy; while it is still possible to use those plugins, there will be no more active development or support.
  • Strip Tools: EQ Pre Dynamic option enabled by default (on new plugin instances, Strip Tools in existing projects are not modified)
  • Pyramix first launch: keyboard shortcuts selection has been removed (recommended Pyramix preset used by default).  Please go in Settings > Keyboard Shortcut Editor to modify or use another preset.
  • Video Tab has been removed.
  • Flux VS3 plugins may show corrupted UI, awaiting Flux update (VST versions are OK).
    Workaround: Open the Flux plugin UI and access its settings (Gear icon) and select a UI size.
  • Pyramix 15 Projects are not backward compatible with Pyramix 14, users must perform a “Save Special as v14.0” in order to open such project in v14.
  • Pyramix projects with v10/v11/v12/25th/v14/v15 Bus layout/Structure cannot be saved within a Save Special v9.0 project. A warning message will prevent you from doing so.
  • Legacy Multimono and Multistereo Busses are now automatically converted to Object Busses.
  • All of the Mixer Amibsonic components cannot be saved within a Save Special v11.1 project and prior, as Ambisonic was not supported at that time.
  • Ambisonic decoders only decode to Virtual Rooms with standard channel types and positions. If a custom room is needed, then they need to first decode to a standard bus, having speakers as close as possible to the custom room, then send that bus into the custom bus through a GPS strip
  • Saved projects with some tracks unmuted (so that audio plays) will open with all tracks Muted.
    You are most probably using a Source/Destination project or Template Pyramix where all Track Groups are set to Auto-Solo, Auto-Mute or both by default.
    With both settings enabled at project loading time no track is selected by default and all track groups are then muted.
  • Mixdown SRC: The SRC option in the Mixdown is shared with the Media Manager Sampling Rate Conversion tool. Be warned that following a Mixdown that is applying a SRC if you then use the Media Manager Sampling Rate Conversion tool and change the SRC parameters, then those values will also be changed in the Mixdown Dialog Box SRC section.
  • Waves plugins users running with an NVidia graphic card should make sure that they have the Threaded Optimization OFF, if set to ON it may cause issue with Waves VST plugins.
    Refer to link here: https://merging.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PUBLICDOC/Graphic+cards+recommended+settings
  • Background Recorder will record in the last mounted folder if no folder was selected when engaging the Background Record
  • PMX140-21: MassCore : Routing 1 stream to several sinks with different size weirdness.
    When you route audio out of MassCore on two different devices (Hardware devices, such as Horus, Hapi, Anubis,... and software devices, such as MAD or VAD) but the number of channels on the different receivers is not the same (eg. 16 channels on device 1 and 12 channels on device 2), the Mixer Routing page may show incorrect names, and individual channels may not be routed properly.
    Workaround : use the Advanced pages to first create a Source in MassCore, with the maximum number of channels required, then create a Sink in the device that needs all the channels, and finally, create a sink on the second device.
    Note : If using Horus / Hapi MK1, please use streams of 8 channels (8,16,24,...), to avoid performance issues, as Horus / Hapi MK1 are optimized for blocks of 8 channels.
  • PMX111-19: Generate CD Image' 'Digital Release' 'Album publishing' with more than 99 index not supported (Redbook limitation)
  • Fixed cursor mode not recommended for realtime playback editing
  • Black magic Design ASIO driver can conflict with ASIO4ALL, causing VS3 Control Panel to crash. 
  • v15  Libraries format are not compatible with older Pyramix release as v7.1.  
    Save as v7.1 is available in the Library menu.
  • Merging does not recommend users that edit while recording do so with timeline media clips that are not at the same sampling rate as the project. This is because a realtime SRC will have be processed could cause potential performance problems.
  • Merging does not recommend to use Disk models: Green, Eco series and Seagate.
  • Pyramix has a warning message of “Not Enough Streams available”.
    This happens when reaching the maximum record inputs available. In such case we recommend that you reduce your inputs number count or disable the Background Recorder that are consuming inputs.
    If  afterwards you get a constant Message Box “Re-activating Project” at each Playback start, close and re-open your project to avoid this. 
    Be aware that under the VS3 Control Panel if you have enable the Secondary Device/ASIO bridge or Rewire active, you will consume Streams, disable this option if not in use.
  • Merging recommends that users with External USB disks to have those configured using the “Better Performance” option under Windows disk properties, profiling tab. Refer to the Merging system configuration guide for more details.
  • MassCore: Core indicator will show a peak/overload after a save on large project or when rebuilding the Mixer (project open-close). Simply reset the core indicator by clicking on it.
  • Mixer Automation Bus Aux Send. 
    We advise that users do not automate the ON/OFF of Buses Aux Send and instead simply automate the Gain of the Aux. As this could cause Delay Compensation issue.

  • Pyramix Video
    Video Wrap dialog hidden at times, user must use the ALT key to bring it top most.
    Pyramix video consolidate is not supported.
    With Blackmagic Design cards a reverse playback may introduce an offset delay.
    With Blackmagic Design cards the delay might not be correct when chasing without stopping first.

  • Pyramix Video in timeline: Opening a project referring to multiple video files or edits can take some time (will indicate finishing for a minute or so), be patient.
  • PMF in Mixdown
    PMF File format was removed from the Mixdown formats as of Pyramix v11.1 due to compliance issues. As of Pyramix v11.1 our recommendations are:

    • For Recording: as of Pyramix v11.1 the default record format is BWF, for compliance reasons

    • For Mixdown: BWF is recommended

    • For Album Publishing: Formats of your choice through Digital Release for better signal flow

    • For Render: We recommend rendering in the original format or to PMF or MTFF. The  DSDIFF is not recommended.

  • DiscWrite known issues: https://merging.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PUBLICDOC/Disc+Write
  • The ADR Keyboard users: Windows 10 October 2018 Update (1809) and higher requires ChangeMe version 5.25.8.  Previous versions will not work along those Win10 updates. Follow the installation instruction on our knowledge base to update :
  • Safety Record issue with the take logger: Pressed commands will be applied incorrectly when the transport is stopped. This means that if you press Abort & Delete while in Safety Record, nothing will happen. However, when you come out of Safety Record and Stop, it will apply the command, and delete the take. Handle with care.
  • Multiple projects opened simultaneously: We do not recommend users to having more than 8 Projects open at the same time (due to GDI object limitation).
  • Cedar users should install the latest certified version for Pyramix 64bit
    The Render Tool will create a temp file for the CEDAR and Nova v0.99 at the root of the C:\
    Be aware that Merging cannot change the Temp file path of such a third party Renderer.
  • Media Recoverer and DSDIFF Recoverer, those utilities should allow you to repair a corrupted file
  • VS3 Algorithmix DeNoiser & DeScratcher are supported but will not be maintained anymore
    Known issue: They might display “Demo” (while fully functional) until the first project is saved, closed & re-opened.