PEERING with Merging+Anubis

PEERING with Merging+Anubis

For more details on Peering in the Monitoring Mission, please consult the Anubis User manual
For more details on Peering in the Music Mission, please consult the Anubis Music Mission Appendix


Expand your MERGING+ANUBIS or NEUMANN MT 48 IO’s using the Peering technology developped by Merging.
The Peering allows the MERGING ANUBIS or NEUMANN MT 48 to discover HAPI, HORUS other ANUBIS or a MT 48 given that they are on the same network. From within the peering page, a user can select the I/O module to be used (AD’s, AES, MADI, ADAT…). The Anubis is then immediately extended and has more I/O available that can be mixed, outputted and controlled by Anubis, exactly as if they were internal I/Os.


  • Peering does not require a computer system (PC/Mac) to be defined, it can be performed with two standalone devices.

  • Peering is not supported in Dante mode

  • All devices doing peering should be in the same firmware release revisions.

  • Peering is supported with all Anubis Missions.

Music Mission Peering Example



Monitor Mission Peering Example



Peer to Expand the Anubis I/O

Quick way to easily increase the Anubis I/O without having to use external system (PC or MAC) and applications such as ANEMAN.
As long as those devices are from Merging and given that they are on the same RAVENNA network, you will be able to discover and peer those devices modules from Anubis.


Peer to Mix the IO for inputs or Output re-distribution
The Musician ultra-low latency Cue mixes will require Peering so that inputs from another device can be mixed within Anubis with ease.  Once you have peered an input module from another device, this one will appear in the Anubis Mixer view, where you will be able to mix those inputs within the Anubis and be able to route them to the outputs of your choice, either local to Anubis or back to the output of the device (e.g. Hapi), in this case having peered outputs is needed.

How to peer a device


  • Have more than one Merging device such as a Horus, Hapi or Anubis

  • The Horus and Hapi must be on firmware 3.10.0 and above. We recommend that all interfaces are on the latest firmwares.

  • Anubis must be on Firmware 1.2.2. and above
    Note: Dante does not support Peering

  • Make sure that those devices are connected to the same RAVENNA network as Anubis or have one of those connected directly to one of the Anubis SPS port (if you have that model) or connected directly to the Anubis RJ45 port for standalone operation (no DAW).
    Note: Anubis could also be connected to one of the Hapi MkII network port.


  1. Connect another Merging RAVENNA device your Anubis network

  2. Under the Anubis Menu open the Peering page (available in Expert mode, refer to settings)

  3. The online devices should be discovered on the left column



Selecting Peering from the Music Mission “Menu”

Selecting Peering from the “Home” page

Connected Merging devices will be automatically discovered from the Peering page (Make sure all devices are on the latest firmware)

1. Select the device you want to peer (Hapi in the example here below) make sure this one is online so on the same RAVENNA network as your Anubis

2. Once selected, it will open the Device Modules and I/O’s available for peering.

More I/O available that can be seen by scrolling down the page.

3. once peered the indicators should be green.

If you cannot establish the connection make sure that all devices are at the same sampling rate and on the latest firmware.

  1. Exit the peering page from the Anubis Home button.

    In the Music Mission the peered inputs will appear in the Mixer as new channels, and the outputs will be available in the Bus Routing page

    In the Monitor Mission the peered IO’s will appear respectively in the Source and Monitor Patched channels.
    This will allow the user to have multuchannel monitors supporting layouts such as Atmos 7.1.4, 9.1.6, etc…


Remote Control Peered PreAmps

Once an AD module from another device is peered from an Anubis, the PreAmps page of the Anubis is extended to that device’s additional inputs, allowing remote control of a peered device AD module from within the Anubis TFT PreAmps page. Swipe from left to the right in the PreAmps page to access the peered PreAmps.

Note: Peered modules PreAmps from devices that are not an Anubis might not support some parameters (Cut, Lock, Boost)



Peering Rules & Behavior

  • Peering can only be performed from an Anubis and requires Merging RAVENNA devices

  • 64 peered inputs officially supported (8 different modules of 1 to 8 channels each)

  • Monitor Mission: 256 I/Os and Music Mission 48 I/Os are within one Anubis up to 4FS (192kHz), 24 I/Os in DXD 352.8 or 384kHz which includes the Anubis local inputs.

  • Anubis controls the frame size (latency) and sampling rate of the peered devices

  • An output module can only be peered by one device. If another device peer’s the same output module it will disconnect the previous one. Last peering output module takes over

  • A second Anubis can peer an input module that is already peered by another Anubis

  • Peering is performed in Unicast, for Multicast support please use ANEMAN

  • Offline devices’ modules cannot be peered, then can only be un-peered.

  • Peering does not require a system (PC/Mac) it can be performed with two standalone Merging RAVENNA/AES67 devices.

  • Peering offers the possibility to connect the same outputs to different speaker sets.

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