MT Security and authorization keys

MT Security and authorization keys

Your authorization keys are tied to a specific version, and the keys are not backward or forward compatible.
You MUST use the keys that matches with the installed version of Merging software.
For example, version 6 keys will only work if you have version 6 installed.

Your user account must have administrator rights to import authorization keys.


Dongle Licensing

Check that your dongle is working 

When plugged on your computer, the dongle LED should turn green.
If not please do the following :
  1. Plug it on another USB port.
  2. Plug it into another computer (with Pyramix, Ovation or VCube installed).
    If it works on another computer, then the Windows driver might be missing or corrupted.
    See here how to uninstall the dongle driver - make sure you remove the dongle before uninstalling its driver !
    Note :
    the link to download the SSDcleanup tool has changed, please download from this link : https://www.neuroexplorer.com/downloads/ssdcleanup.zip
    The Cleanup tool will uninstall all programs using the safenet dongle, you will have to reinstall your Merging software.
    Restart your computer and go in the Windows Device Manager.
    Locate the Safenet Sentinel, and right click on it to access its Properties.
    If its status is "The device is working properly", the driver is installed properly, go in MT Security panel to verify your authorization keys.
    Otherwise, go in the Driver tab and select Update Driver > Browse my computer for drivers, and enter the following path :
    32 bits OS :C:/Program Files/Common Files/SafeNet Sentinel > Sentinel System Driver
    64 bits OS :C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/SafeNet Sentinel > Sentinel System Driver
    Then click on Next to install the driver.  Once the driver is installed, go in MT Security panel to verify your authorization keys.
  3. If it also do not work on another computer, the dongle might be defective.
    Contact your local Merging dealer.

"Failed to add new key" error message

If the dongle works, but you can't enter the keys in MT Security panel, please check the following :
  1. Make sure the key seed matches with the software version you have installed.
    Your key file is "YourMTPersonalKey_Pyramix_9___SN_50000xxxx.mtk", then your key will only work if you have Pyramix 9.x installed.
    It will not work with Pyramix 8 or 10.
  2. Click on "Remove All Keys" and confirm, then re-import the key file.
  3. Check if your key file is named with uncommon characters, like %, é,!
    Your key file is "YourMTPersonalKey%Pyramix%9%%%SN%50000xxxx.mtk"
    Remove the special characters and
  4. Try to enter the keys manually.
    Click on "Enter Key" and enter the keys manually one by one.
    The key code can be found in the authroization key email ( Your personal key #0 is:...)

Dongle serial is not displayed ( Serial Number 0 )

If the dongle serial number displayed is zero
  1. If you are using the Cloud Licensing (QLM) security, this is the expected behavior. 
    Please go in the Cloud Licensing tab and check your licenses.
  2. Make sure you have selected the correct dongle, HASP or Safenet.
  3. Make sure you are not using remote desktop. 
    To be able to enter the keys, you have to be logged locally on the computer.
    Once the keys are inserted, you can use Pyramix through a remote desktop connection.
  4. Make sure you are not using a Virtual Machine.
    The Safenet security is not compatible with any VM, please use the Cloud Licensing (QLM) security in such case.
  5. If it still does not work, does the dongle LED lights up? 
    Then the Windows driver might be missing or be corrupted.
    See here how to uninstall the dongle driver - make sure you remove the dongle before uninstalling its driver !
    Note :
    the link to download the SSDcleanup tool has changed, please download from this page.
    The Cleanup tool will uninstall all programs using the safenet dongle, you will have to reinstall your Merging software.
    Restart your computer and go in the Windows Device Manager.
    Locate the Safenet Sentinel, and right click on it to access its Properties.
    If its status is "The device is working properly", the driver is installed properly, go in MT Security panel to verify your authorization keys.
    Otherwise, go in the Driver tab and select Update Driver > Browse my computer for drivers, and enter the following path :
    32 bits OS :C:/Program Files/Common Files/SafeNet Sentinel > Sentinel System Driver
    64 bits OS :C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/SafeNet Sentinel > Sentinel System Driver
    Then click on Next to install the driver.  Once the driver is installed, go in MT Security panel to verify your authorization keys.
  6. If it still does not work, please try the dongle on another computer (with Pyramix, Ovation or VCube installed), the dongle might be defective.
    In such case, contact your local Merging dealer.

MT Security panel forgets the keys

You have entered your keys, but Pyramix / Ovation still starts in Evalutaion mode , VCube displays "require an authorization key" error message.

  1. Go in MT Security panel and make sure you have checked the box "Include Keys stored on xxxxx dongle in MT Security"
  2. Go in Windows Control Panel > User Accounts and select your user account.
    Click on Change User Account Control settings, and Set it to Never notify
    Go back in MT Security and make sure your keys are still shown. If not, please re-enter it.

Cloud Licensing

License Wizard - "The license key is not valid.  Please enter a valid license key."

The activation key you have entered do not match the product type or version.

  1. Make sure you have correctly entered your Activation key.  If you have entered the key manually, note that the code is case sensitive.
  2. Go back in MT Security panel - Cloud Licensing (QLM) tab, and make sure you have selected the correct Product for your activation key.
    Eg. If you need to activate the Merging RAVENNA/AES67 ASIO driver, select Merging ASIO in the Product drop down menu.
  3. Go back in MT Security panel - Cloud Licensing (QLM) tab, and make sure that your activation key matches the Product version.

License Wizard - "Your license failed to activate.  The license has already been activated on a system."

The license has already been activated on another system, and a license can only be activate on a system at a time.

  1. If you have access to the system indicated, you may deactivate the license on this one and activate the license on your current system.
    Follow the deactivation - activation instructions on this page
  2. If your previous system is no longer available (broken, stolen, ...), you may still deactivate the activation key with QLM SelfHelp Tool, see this page for details.

License Wizard - "The setting file was not found."

Your installation is corrupted.

  1. Please uninstall, reboot the computer then reinstall your Merging Product(s).
    If after a re-installation, the issue persists, please follow the MTCleanup procedure on this page.
    Note that if your license was previously activated, you may need to re-activate.

Import License - "Failed to import license file.  Please ensure that the correct product is selected"

The license file do not match the selected product.

  1. Make sure you have selected the product matching your license in the Product drop down menu.

Import License - "License is not valid -  License key is invalid"

You have imported a license file already activated on another computer.

  1. Access the QLM Selfhelp Tool - Get license information, and enter the Activation key to get your license status.
    You may then choose to deactivate and / or activate your license if required.  See details on the QLM SelfHelp tool on this page.

The License status is valid but all the options are "Not active".

  1. Make sure you have selected the correct Product matching your license in the Product drop down menu.
    Go through the whole list to check that you have no license active.
  2. Your local license file might be missing or corrupted.
    Please close the MT Security panel, connect your computer to the internet and restart the panel.  Your license file will be synchronized automatically.
  3. Your local license file might be missing or corrupted.
    If you don't have access to the internet, please use QLM SelfHelp Tool to generate a license.xml file and import it.
    See the Activate a license section on this page for details.

License Wizard - Prompt to enter a password

Activating or deactivating licenses requires Administrator rights.

  1. Enter the Administrator password.
  2. Log on Windows with a User Account that had administrator rights.
    Once the license(s) are active, you can use the licensed option with a non-admin user account.

Please note that the key ASM  only enables the Annual Software Maintenance contract, but not the software, be sure to import the correct key.

Mykerinos users cannot access MT security if Pyramix is running  

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