VCube upgrade without Mykerinos support.

VCube upgrade without Mykerinos support.

Mykerinos drivers are not available for 64bits operating systems, and since VCube V6, only 64 bits OS are supported.
Therefore the Mykerinos has to be replaced with another device.

Summary of VCube Mykerinos features replacement

Mykerinos featureswithout Mykerinos
Video RefVideo card video ref
LTC in/outMerging RAVENNA device, or third party LTC/MTC device.
RS422Black Magic video card (Machine control only) or third party RS422 device.
Audio I/OVideo card audio inputs and outputs

List of tested third party synchronization devices is available on this page : VCube Synchronization - Tested hardware.

*Merging Mykerinos chassis owners can configure the MTCHIO back panel RS422 port to be used without Mykerinos.  See this page for details.

Pyramix and VCube are on the same computer

Pyramix video in timeline

Since Pyramix v10, you can import and play video in Pyramix timeline, and can output the video through a dedicated Black Magic Design video card.
Note : Recording and rendering video is not available in Pyramix (wrap audio into video file only).
ADR features are not available in Pyramix timeline video.
If you also need to record, render, need advanced video settings or use ADR features, you have to use VCube.

PyraCube computer

Pyramix and VCube on the same computer must be on the same version (e.g. Pyramix 11.0.4 with VCube 7.0.4)
Synchronizing Pyramix and VCube :
Virtual Transport 2 is the recommended synchronization method. See this page for details.

Pyramix and VCube are on separate computers

Pyramix and VCube on separate computer must be on the same major version (e.g. Pyramix 10.0.6 with VCube 6.0.4 or Pyramix 11.1.2 with VCube 7.1.0)
To achieve a sub-frame accurate sync, a common video ref must be shared between Pyramix and VCube (AJA or BMD video card is therefore required)
Synchronizing Pyramix and VCube :

VCube stand-alone player

To achieve a sub-frame accurate sync, a common video ref must be shared between  VCube and your external devices (AJA or BMD video card is therefore required).
Synchronization options :

Additional notes

  • AJA LHi and LHe are the only supported models, and are only compatible with Windows 7 SP1 (not compatible with Windows 10)

  • Supported Black Magic Design cards : only the Decklink serie is supported

  • Note on Crosslock : this feature is only available with Mykerinos.

  • AJA and Black Magic Design RS422 ports can only be used as Master (to control another device), and not as Slave.

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