Media Players configuration
Media Players configuration
- Configure AcourateConvolver with MERGING+NADAC on Windows
- Configure AUDIRVANA Plus with MERGING+NADAC on MacOS
- Configure EMOTION with MERGING+NADAC on Windows
- Configure iTunes with MERGING+NADAC on Mac OS
- Configure JRIVER with MERGING+NADAC on MacOS
- Configure JRIVER with MERGING+NADAC on Windows
- Configure ROON Labs with MERGING+NADAC on MacOS
- Configure ROON Labs with MERGING+NADAC on Windows
- Configure ROON Labs with NADAC PLAYER
- Configure Signalyst HQPlayer for Windows
- Configure Signalyst HQPlayer on MacOS
- How to play in Emotion, on different zones, different playlists with different sampling rate ?
- Roon DSP Engine recommendations.